I realy hope someone is going to translate the novel too. This sounds so interesting. The ...

Pink_Star July 7, 2021 8:45 am

I realy hope someone is going to translate the novel too. This sounds so interesting. The plot is great and i cant wait what will happen next.

    Jjkxduh July 7, 2021 9:08 am

    Can u tell me a site in which I can read BL novels

    Pink_Star July 7, 2021 1:32 pm

    As far as I know you have to purchase it legally. I wouldn't mind doing that if I knew where to buy it lol I stalked the comment section for a long time and there are a few spoilers about what will happen next. So interesting... its more about the revenge and development of of their relationship, there wont be any naughty scene for a long time..

    Jjkxduh July 8, 2021 5:31 am

    I can't wait to see what happens further honestly, especially the revenge

    Pink_Star July 8, 2021 7:50 am

    I just read the group is thinking about to translate the novel as well, if there is a high demand. But the updates wouldn't be as regulary as for the manhwa. I m so happy. I wouldnt mind. To translate a novel is so time consuming. So i really hope they are going to do that.

    and yes the revenge 0_o burn that b****