Yeah i have already acknowledged it's fiction. I do my best to avoid the trope and do not read those yaoi but sometimes authors bury it deeper in ...after you've already read 20+ chapters and you're kinda committed at that point.
For me if the rape is essential to the plot AND provided it doesn't also include a rape to love scenario, I will push thru and read if the story is written well but after reading like 400 stories only one fits the bill.
Also as a side note, fiction or no authors should be aware that kids get a hold of these stories and honestly think rape is part of how romance in real life plays out.
I know this is fiction, but seriously why is this author not allowing Louis to realize he was raped in his dream reflection but still drawing panels of him begging maettel to stop and with expressions of him looking terrified, hurt and disgusted during the sex scenes of the previous chapter? It is clearly depicted as a brutal rape scene of a pretty badly injured louis
for readers and as 'Tuesday' for the people in story.
It's like the author's message is any sex, consensual or not is okay if two people like each other in the end. That is a pretty sick, irresponsible message imho. The rape should have been edited out of the story bc it is not essential to the plot at all or it should have been drawn as the other sex scenes which at least could be considered dubcon. I feel like if the author needed rape in this yaoi s/he should make it happen between weyton and louis not with the first ML and Louis.Sorry for the rant, I'm just a little annoyed. This read is free and II am thankful to the uploaders. I am still curious about how the psychological aspects will play out but I feel a bit disappointed bc this had potential.