And like others have said, the seme has some serious issues. You know your SO has a problem with the guy who "declared he was going to take you away" but instead decide to continue to hang out with him in order to get some kind of jealous behavior you want your boyfriend to have. I hope they break up for the uke's sake.
If it were my SO I'd start to wonder if their damn head was screwed on straight.
A) it is straight up wrong to allow someone that makes your bae uncomfortable to invade their own home daily.
B) don't fuck with people's feelings.
Communication is key and the kindest thing is to firmly and clearly reject.
Its chicken shit to be like "oh well I know he likes me and is hanging around to try and win me but I just want us to be friends so I'll let him hang out." No. That's not fair to anyone.
I hate the guy that comes later. Yea, good for you that you took the initiative but then decided to stalk him, bombard him at his house, manipulate the people around him to drive your crush's boyfriend into a corner. Like, you're real swell, mate. Only through convenient fiction logic, the main couple holds true as you prance away. No. Not buying that, thanks.