Spill the truth, bruh. Every one of these characters are idiots, even Stefan is getting a little bit of that dumb character vibes. But? I love the people standing up for Char after she let her shit brother near her best friend and her Kuwabara-looking cousin to treat him like shit too. This comic is painfully bad.
i completely agree, i’ve read the novel and some of the same issues remain but it covers the explanations and character development problems you pointed out much better than this adaptation. Since i read the novel right after reading the first few chapters, i just ignored some of the changes and holes that weren’t in the novel because I already know what happens and why, so it was easy to gloss over the things you covered. i still enjoy the comic a lot but yeah
Like if we all take a minute and step back there is just a lot of issues going on with the characters and there relationships that don't really reflect what the author is going for and I just need to rant for a second.
First let's talk about the main two dudes. They have no chemistry let alone any resemblance of a relationship. Up until this wedding they despised each other with the love interest being downright cruel to our main character. Then all of a sudden he gives him a ride holds his hand and flirts a little and im supposed to act like they are good now? The only explanation for his behavior we got was this self hatred bullshit that never ended up getting fully explained to the mc where he apologized before trying to get romantic with him. Like if someone who was mean to you your whole life suddenly flirts with you would that not be a huge turn off? And now after the latest chapter we see them kissing and wrapping their arms around each other all couple like and then suddenly the mc comes out and says this dude is confused??? THE WHOLE RELATIONSHIP IS CONFUSING! jeez and now we are probably gonna get the whole "but your not gay" plotline which doesn't work with the information given to the mc about the love interest being mean because he was represented. A big yikes from me dog.
And the girl where do I begin. First off she is seen as a sisterly character who falls on the more mature side as she's moving forward with her life and getting married however she is super immature and not a great friend in general. She let's her brother continually treat her friend like shit and expects them to suddenly get along cause she's getting married? Then one of her childhood friends ridicules the mc and almost kills him but its cool everything is fine cause he has his reasons and will suffer no consequences for his actions. And then there's the whole pregnancy scare where she tells everyone she's pregnant before even taking a pregnancy test???? And not just her best friend but her whole family??? And then we are supposed to believe this girl is responsible for raising a kid? She feels more like the authors self insert so that they can interact with the main couple and have an influence in their relationship.
Just overall the story is lacking and not very good but if you like it go off I guess.