Sorry going against the band wagon here but...

CrystalAris September 6, 2016 1:06 am

I LIKE the otaku.

It's refreshing that he starts coming out of his shell because of her and even though is 'weak' still is ...kinda... ^^ picking a fight with the childhood friend. They are starting to like each other and they don't know it yet which is nice (I just hope it doesn't turn cliché and have one of them go "Oh... I love ___" and then it somehow gets romantic, but I understand that its hard to do subtle changes so I'll deal w/ it when the time comes...><)

I feel the Childhood friend is 'pushy' but at the same time rightfully so since she doesn't seem to notice him at all as a romance interest, but what will be, will be falling in love isn't that simple. Sure if they are nice to you its... easier to notice them and like them more, but that doesn't mean you will fall in love and you won't fall in love because you want to (I've had crushes but never more than that).

I'm also glad the otaku isn't a pervert, since most are depicted in a comical way making them stare at specific parts or like over top things, there are otaku's that just purely enjoy the stuff without coming off as a pervert and I'm genially happy for that.

I really like the otaku growing, he seems to become slightly rebellious since he meets competition right off the bat because of childhood friend.

Also long hair friend may like MC's childhood friend and that's why she chose not to fall in love (but other friend seemed sad at that so I'm assuming its a guy) so this may get messy.
