
jeanne July 6, 2021 3:58 pm

i remember huilin saying that every time jaehee cries, her sadist side wakes up. i think that's the reason why she kissed jaehee all of a sudden, because she gets pleasure when jaehee cries. i do not want to forget abt her intentions, and the reason why she assigned jaehee for this scholarship program, it's because this bullshit will force jaehee to see her. now that jaehee's drunk, she might completely cheat and forget abt the reason why she fought with sulhwa in the first place. sulhwa's assumptions may become true, and it's so fucking funny to think abt how jaehee denied this to sulhwa back then.

regret once she's sober if they ever have sex and cheat on sulhwa, restrain herself from cheating, fix what's between her and sulhwa, or break up and go back to huilin's cage, it's all up to her which one to choose.

idek what she feels rn, cuz from what i can see, it still looks like she's only using huilin as her getaway vehicle. idk man, but even huilin deserves better than jaehee's indecisive ass. she's completely drunk, and there's a chance that she might push huilin away once she regains her composure. what's with those ilys with sulhwa in the previous chapters? also the part where she promised herself that she won't be selfish anymore because she might hurt sulhwa again? she even told herself that her plays with huilin, heekyung, and the others are very different when she does it with sulhwa. she said she's always focused on the play, and it was never about the person she's doing it with. but when it's with sulhwa, she's focused on sulhwa instead. not with the play, not with anything.

she might not hurt sulhwa alone, but also huilin. the fact that young has been saying that huilin is the one who will get hurt in the end since season 1 makes all of these messed up and suspicious. jaehee needs to pick and straighten her crooked convictions. she's dragging my girls down.

also, you guys better wait for sulhwa and young's conversation but don't expect much.

    LonelyandNervous July 6, 2021 4:39 pm

    Well said. ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Chuuvyes July 6, 2021 6:56 pm

    I’m gonna print that comment and pin this on my wall cause everything in there is just…