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sorry for spamming had to do it since sometimes the text shows in the replies, anw
<> gesuit [just like from before] appears
<> gesuit tells izana that he has successfully lifted the curse
<> izana asks some things about hendrick
<> gesuit ofc answers his questions
<> lerajie also asks gesuit questions
"why did hendrick drink the wine even though he knew he was gonna get poisoned?"
<> hendrick was born with a weak body
<> plus, he also performed magic and trained relentlessly
<> magic was really energy-consuming
<> hendrick knew that his older brother was constantly compared to him since he can't do magic
<> hendrick pretty much knew his brother saw him as a "competitor" to the throne
<> basically, hendrick did all that [drink the wine and do magic] bc he really cared about his brother and the kingdom
<> hendrick wanted to help his brother as much as he can
"where's her happy ending" [or something like that]
<> gesuit reveals that he made the necklace so that izana can learn how to trust through lerajie
<> but, gesuit remarks this all ended in vain since lerajie was greedy
<> lerajie became furious
<> lerajie states that she should get her "happy ending" since she was the main character of the og novel
<> lerajie then says to ginger that it should be her who is getting izana's love
<> izana then warns lerajie to not say bad things about ginger
<> izana says that he won't let lerajie's remarks get away
<> add to the fact that lerajie also poisoned izana
spoilers from user: Rin.rinaaa of Novel Updates
link: https://forum.novelupdates.com/threads/virtue-of-the-villainess.99524/page-10
summary to ease your anxiety: lerajie's plan failed >____<
~☆★ before the party ★☆~
<> dorothy (the maid/spy of lerajie) stoned the gem in ginger's dress
~☆★ day of the bday party ★☆~
<> ginger hands izana the cake she worked hard for
<> izana is confused since he couldn't read ginger's mind
<> lerajie then joins the couple and tells izana to not eat the cake since it's "poisonous"
<> lerajie provoked izana by questioning if ginger's feelings are really genuine
<> lerajie suggests that maybe it was her plan to poison him to be with hamel
<> izana does not want to believe lerajie but at the same time ginger's mind was "unreadable" making her a bit dubious
<> nevertheless, izana ate the cake
<> he remembered how ginger worked really hard for the cake
<> so it's [a bit] impossible for ginger to poison him
~☆★ after eating the cake ★☆~
<> izana collapses and ginger screams
<> hamel says that izana was poisoned
<> lerajie calls a ginger a "great actress"
<> basically, lerajie was trying to put the blame at ginger
<> ginger then tells lerajie she's going too far
<> meanwhile, hamel is doing his "magic" to heal izana
<> ginger then starts to cry and blame herself
<> she's worried that, when izana wakes up, he might have a hard time trusting
<> ginger's tears touches izana and he starts to glow
<> izana wakes up soon after
<> izana jokes that he might have fainted because ginger inserted some booze
<> izana comforts the crying ginger
<> meanwhile, lerajie asks hamel if he healed izana
<> hamel says he wasn't the reason that izana was able to recover