LOOOLL What the bloody hell just happen in this chapter?? I am so confused!! But did looki...

Queen ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ September 4, 2016 6:59 am

LOOOLL What the bloody hell just happen in this chapter?? I am so confused!! But did looking into Shic's eyes made Rood's irises go back to normal?Cuz if so well THE SHIP JUST GOT BIGGER!! ヾ(☆▽☆)

    1/2 Neko September 4, 2016 3:08 pm

    no, dont think so. when whats-his-name-rood's-parent was on the brink of death in the tower, Rood's Irises changed into demon eyes. or then its just idk.

    demon13o September 6, 2016 7:46 am
    no, dont think so. when whats-his-name-rood's-parent was on the brink of death in the tower, Rood's Irises changed into demon eyes. or then its just idk. 1/2 Neko

    You mean his brother lol or another word you could use is guardian since they both have no parents lol, but both are brothers.

    Leon Reiner Luka s. Zess September 6, 2016 9:14 am
