Yeah... guess you're right. :D But apart from that it's just unbelievably cute so who cares :D (❀╹◡╹)
Agreed. I felt the plot was handled so poorly. Frankly it wasn't even clear why the forest king kidnapped Rain how was his power supposed to help the Forest Spirit? None of that was explained nor how they reopened the doors. Frankly I felt the Forest King should also have been punished. And the mangaka did a piss poor job in the "transition" of Rain to Theia and back. I thought Thiea had the better personality of the two while Rain comes off a little too perfect and preachy. The art was fantastic but honestly the plot was terribly done even as an adaptation from a series of books there should have been more flow.
Am I the only one that thinks the plot is all over the place? Like boom - they're in love, boom - he is gone, boom - suddenly there is magic. Nothing is explained and that is what bothers me. And are they immortal since Theia said they were born there and there didn't exist until Rain and Zebb met? Also the relationships aren't explained at all, they do not have even given any 'screen time' to those relationships to grow.