Well done but Kensuke’s molestation and Masumi’s sexuality were handled poorly. Masumi...

temaratempura July 6, 2021 7:49 am

Well done but Kensuke’s molestation and Masumi’s sexuality were handled poorly. Masumi was very clearly written to be a heavily lesbian leaning character and the fact that she showed up at the ending with a husband and without ever discussing her attraction to hamster girl in depth made no sense for her character.

    Xiajun July 9, 2021 4:19 pm

    This is so beautiful, but its sad that Masumi didn't get to confess to Kuze. Some people are saying that she said she's not normal, which implies she's not bisexual, but i think this story is not implying that people are falling in love according to their sexualities. Like Taichi ended up with Tomou but he's not gay right? It's not a matter of sexuality here, but rather falling in love with someone and accepting them regardless of their sexualities and genders, and not just as a love interest but as friends as well. And we can see Masumi's genuine happiness with her husband, so she probably doesn't care about genders anymore and have moved over Kuze.

    hopiehopie July 19, 2021 6:11 am
    This is so beautiful, but its sad that Masumi didn't get to confess to Kuze. Some people are saying that she said she's not normal, which implies she's not bisexual, but i think this story is not implying that ... Xiajun

    Wow, I love what u wrote.

    hopiehopie July 19, 2021 6:12 am

    Agree, they were poorly manage, we need answers.