The story had lots of holes and was kind of confusing. I didn't like Sawaki or Ootaki - Sa...

Red September 4, 2016 4:28 am

The story had lots of holes and was kind of confusing. I didn't like Sawaki or Ootaki - Sawa starts out really nice then does this 180 and is horrible to Yuki (I get that he's trying to make him better through friendly competition, but that wasn't 'friendly' at all, and he was always cryptic. Ootaki started out as a decent character, he seemed to care about Yuki and they've been casually seeing each other for a few years, but all of the sudden he says he's only with Yuki because Yuki needs someone to hold his hand?! If I were Yuki, I'd tell them both to screw off, all they managed to do was make him question himself so badly, then all of the sudden everything's fine between all of them?
