Yeah I don't think he's actually mean but more like he's codependent. He must feel self-conscious or something or he thinks that he has to hang on to this guy in order to get any attention from the family. Which is unfortunate because, I bet he would be a nice person if he had good influences around him. Like, if Bellasac was a good guy, I'll bet he'd be a good guy too. It's just sad that he turned into a Lackey and somebody spineless but then again, it's the same thing with their parents. His dad keeps following around Bellesac's father too. It's so pathetic actually. Like father like son.
And the way that he lets his little brother get treated later on. I mean, you would think he would be protective.
Am i the only one who thinks asterion is really kind it's just he's always with ballesac that he keeps getting involve in the situations?