I guess having true happy random love despite barely knowing anything about each other and the only actual plot point between them being that Cain is a Wolf reincarnate and Jooin helped him in a past life would be kinda cute? I just feel like making Cain endgame would be bad storytelling unless they spruce up his character beyond “Your my master and as a wolf boi I’m possessive over you.” His character is both too much and not enough for this world lmao. It’s like his sole purpose as a character was to encourage Yahwi to try harder to win Jooin’s heart. We’ve gotten deep dives into Yahwi’s past with Jooin, his thoughts, why he acts the way he does, and even how his family affected him. Cain’s character in comparison feels lackluster, and it’d feel like it’d be a huge waste in the story to make them endgame. Don’t get me wrong, Cain is freaking adorable and if this were a story with more simple inter-personal relationships and personalities, I’d be all for him. But Cain if far too under-developed compared to Yahwi for me to root for him. If Yahwi wasn’t there, I’d 100% root for Cain’s relationship with Jooin.
Y’all Cain is the endgame