Hmmm.. all the elements that you disliked were really hilariously funny for me. This is more parody/comedy that egxagerates cammon problems to make them more funny... but its all depending on readers tastes. First time I read this autor few year ago I had similar feelings. Her heroines were SOOOO damn embarassing i could not take it. Suprisingly now her style is one of my fav.

Yeah, I figured that was the case. I have such a dry sense of humor that I don't enjoy the parodies unless I find humor in the original premise. If, instead, I find it annoying, then the exaggeration is only MORE annoying. And I'm such a visual person.... Maybe if it were ALL drawn in that garish, obviously over the top style it, would sit better with me, but the realistic drawing tricks me into wanting to perceive it seriously despite the fact I should know better.
It's interesting that your perception of it changed. Who knows. Maybe time will change mine as well. I really do appreciate her realistic work... such skill!! I guess time will tell :)

It's relatively rare for me to drop a story in the middle. Has to irk me quite a bit, honestly. I don't remember what chapter I was in when I gave up, but nothing... pretty much NOTHING... had changed by then (and 2 years of marriage - 2 months I could believe, but no growth in two YEARS???) so I wasn't expecting it to get better. It really doesn't take much character growth to keep me hopeful - I like seeing things get better, even if it takes a little time. Its encouraging to see people improve themselves and relationships, but I wasn't seeing that here.
SIGH. Its a shame to be turned off by the story when I appreciated the art (except for those horrible 'chibis') so much. And as much as I dislike turning other people off a manga, if you, having read some, are in agreement with me so far, I don't think you would change your opinion. And it is such good art (except for the chibis...) SIGH

I didn't get that far tbh...she was just so selfish and obnoxious...I only got to the honeymoon....I mean if you value a trip over people's lives...I'm done.
I can handle selfish at first but there does have to be growth.
The art is lovely...but theres other manga woth lovely art. I liked the other I've read of hers though.

Yeah, I kept thinking... hoping... it was going to get better, but the 'beach vacation' was the final straw for me. Parody or not, it was too much.
I have read one or another of hers that I liked better. I have a hard time with her 'chibi' style, but I can tolerate it if the story is good enough to keep me going.
Now, if you want to read a manga that is art, even if it's just for the sake of the art, try The Bride's Story ( http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/otoyomegatari/). The story is actually interesting too if you like historical, but Oh, My GOODNESS! The art is incredible!

Yeah I gave up. Theres better manga, and better josei, although not a lot.
The art is good but I can deal with any kind of art if I like the story. Although I enjoy ones with good art too just that much more.
I have that on my to read list but I have a hard time with younger guys....I know, that's stupid lol. I do plan to read it though cause it looks very unique and good.

I hear you. I feel the same about pretty much any adult/ child love - boy or girl, regardless - although I deal with it better in the context of something like The Bride's Story where it is historical and cultural and - in this one - where the age spread will not seem so extreme in a few years. Its just that he is so young right now, but I think there is only 5 or 6 years between them....? I've forgotten. But in the case of Such nomadic tribes, I understand why it was part of their culture. Harsh lifestyles and lack of modern medicine made growing old more difficult. People "lived" while they were young and productive, because there were no guarantees for the future. But, yeah... I know exactly what you are talking about.

Yeah 6 years doesn't seem like much when youre older...its probably better to marry a younger guy cause women traditionally love a bit lonfer. What my dad said anyways... im more okay with the boy being older, probably just cause I like older guys...I like age gaps with an older guy....lol.
They grew up way quicker in those times, they had to.
Emma is by the same author and ive been thinking about reading that too. Looks good.

I think I've also heard a little older (a couple years or so) on the guy side is good because women mature mentally a bit faster so it evens the maturity levels - at least early on. It can also be advantageous in the "provider" position as experience and physical maturity are (ideally) gained as well.
Emma... Yeah! Pretty sure that one is on my mental "wish they would finish this" list. Can't remember how long ago I was reading it, but I am pretty sure I was enjoying it. I'll have to check it out again and see

Yeah in my case it didn't work out like that, picked one in an early midlife crisis....didnt end well. Some guys never wanna grow up....but usually I think its better, just don't pick one that wants to stay a kid. But yeah I like older.
Yeah I havent read it, looks good. Not sure when the last update was.
Just finished 00% perfect girl. Loved the art...the rest not so much. Most soap opera like manga ive read. Saying something lol

Makes sense... Marriage does not, in and of itself, generally trigger maturity, especially in someone who isn't ready/doesn't to grow up yet. Wisdom needs to guide emotion when choosing a spouse intended to (ideally) last a lifetime.
We are in agreement on yet another title. I have much the same sentiments about 100% Girlfriend. I liked it better than this one because at least the characters grew individually and relationally, but it took such agsty trials to get there... Yeah.

Yeah I mean we weren't married, I just ran into him after he was newly divorced and incredibly niave....it didn't end well lol. I havent been married....I did manage to keep him out of my pants but I got too emotionally involved. I'm much much pickier now.
Yeah I dont like suoer angsty stuff like that much. I'm more of a humor gal, or at least sweet, and not too angsty. Vb rose is my favorite. The art isn't so elaborate but its cute. And I think its pretty...the 007 manga is another favorite.

I haven't read VB Rose, but I do like 007! Here's another I would offer as a potentially more enjoyable substitute... http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/hapi_mari/

Vb rose is cute shes a Bratt for like 2 or 3 chapters, and the guy straightens her out quickly lol. And he's never a dick, just calls her out on being inconsiderate. And its a lot more understandable...theres quite a bit of development with her, and she's pretty happy and kind.
Hapi mari was cute I liked it. I have read it before...
In fact, I didn't even finish it. I quickly discovered that while I liked the art, I REALLY disliked this artist's version of 'chibi', but I persevered. I then discovered I couldn't even force myself to like the wife. The husband's occasional insensitivity and down right unforgivable treatment on her birthday were nothing compared to her obsessive, and incorrigible self-centeredness.
The last straw for me was when her husband was sick in bed with a fever and she spent the week trying to force/guilt him into 'getting well' so they could still go on their beach vacation. After 2 years of marriage, if she can't manage to find a way to put her husband's NEEDS (not wants, NEEDS) above her own selfish WANTS, I don't want to read any further. I don't find it humorous, I'm not enjoying it, and I don't see it improving. In fact, I find it offensive and a disservice to all other wives who seriously try to make marriages work despite coming from dysfunctional families. Sad, because it didn't have to be this way - her character didn't have to be so callously over-the-top. I know that is probably what some people found humorous and I know most probably won't agree with this, but this is my opinion, and it is why I didn't even bother to finish reading it.