Do bullies deserve a chance?

Girlga July 5, 2021 5:57 pm

I was bullied a lot by a group of girls at my middle school and recently a friend said they prob had gay feelings towards me and I can def see it now as a grown adult

Would you give your bullies a second chance?

    nightmare July 5, 2021 6:01 pm

    tbh no well yea sure they love you but teasing someone you love is fine upto some extent but bullying? wtf is wrong with their brain like if you love someone treasure them and dont give me the idk whats that feeling shit cuz seriously im pretty sure people now a days can recognise if they like someone the first place bullying itself is messed up on top of that bullying someone you love is pure madness

    Girlga July 5, 2021 6:39 pm

    Idk, I've never bullied someone because i liked them so I agree on that, but I do think it is hard to identify emotions and express them even as a grown adult in therapy. My bullies where very like Mean girls, the popular group accepted me and suddenly decided to bully me and it was pretty rough but I can see some of those girls possibly having feelings somewhere and it makes a lot of sense

    I was shooketh for a whole day when I realized this (⊙…⊙ )(≧∀≦)

    Shopliftee July 5, 2021 8:29 pm

    It's really upto the bullied and how much it affected their lives. There are strong ppl who don't give a shit and know what the bullies say and do are shit too and may ignore or fight them back. But, there are also people with low self-esteem and self-confidence - especially during teenage and young adulthood and to some even the slightest teasing, when done everyday for so many years can be traumatising and people will start to believe it themselves. Like calling people, "Hey loser, ugly, fatty, idiot". It may seem like nothing, but when someone who's not even your friend calls you names for no goddammit reason, they r a bitch that deserves a smack on the butt to wake them the fuck up.

    Girlga July 6, 2021 12:39 am
    It's really upto the bullied and how much it affected their lives. There are strong ppl who don't give a shit and know what the bullies say and do are shit too and may ignore or fight them back. But, there are ... Shopliftee

    I feel pretty pathetic tbh ( ̄∇ ̄") they used to say names and it was mostly psychological bullying but once they did all throw food at me in front of everyone, just like in the movies, and I would eat in recess inside the bathroom to be left alone, ahh memories lol the problem lies in if you don't stand up for yourself they keep escalating and getting worse and at some point I kind of did by my 9th grade and they all chilled a little and by going to a different high shool I became popular there and everything dramatically changed.

    I think its all silly now, the bullying in middle school was just to get me warmed up for the later tragedies of life lol it gets better in many ways guys, but becoming an adult and maturing can be painful as well. I am happy now, but life really likes to throw its punches in the gut at times, it is what it is and I don't have ill feelings towards my bullies, I just don't want to see them ever if possible and wish them the very best.