The second pair is between one of the uke’s brothers and the uke’s doctor. If you’re interested in them I’d say maybe not get your hopes up. A lot of people, including myself, did not care for their spin-off. It wasn’t unbearable for me to read but I definitely wasn’t into their relationship at all. If anything I just felt bad for the brother. However, I think this story is worth reading! It’s not like the typical omegaverse. Very fluffy, very cute, the smut is impeccable and there is no rape or forced marking. They have a massive amount of sex but the romance itself is built nicely and the relationship itself has good pace. If you’re worried about updates though I don’t know if you read the notice but it will be going on hiatus!
Hey! I started this when this first came out and decided that I couldn't take waiting for updates >< Is the plot still focusses on the original pair, and is there a second pair? I'm trying to decide if I wanna read this c: