Well Hee Bum might not be gay but I think he really liked Yoo Won or probably Yoo Won was ...

Kuropyon July 5, 2021 2:56 pm

Well Hee Bum might not be gay but I think he really liked Yoo Won or probably Yoo Won was there in the right place at the right time? But I think he’ll definitely stick with Yoo Won if Yoo Won did not let go of him. He might consider the sex as well eventually. These are all the maybes and what happens was YW let go of him and on those days that he was let go he met someone else that cherished him more than YW. Irl some stays in a toxic relationship coz they love their partners blindly and some have the courage to leave and love themselves more.

I really love this story. Yoo Won is a perfect guy (tho he’s poor), probably its the reason while all his rich classmates and gathering around him (tho I still don’t get why they can’t leave him alone. Maybe coz he’s too perfect that there’s a curiosity of what will be his weakness? Idk)

My favourite character here is Jumi. She’s living a simple life until she met YW and HB. She fell in love but she didn’t force her own feelings (tho its too selfless for my taste lol) and even still cheer for the two. I love her as a character but I don’t think I can pull what she did in real life. If I was in her shoes I’ll gonna avoid getting hurt and avoid the people that will cause me of getting hurt.

I recommend reading this story hopefully they continue translating this until the last chapter. I read that a lot dropped this because its not BL but don’t be discouraged. The story is great as well as the characters development. Its worth a try.

    Canah UwU October 4, 2023 7:19 am

    Ikr, Jumi best girl but people wants her out and hate her because she "get in the way" of the two