That is one possibility. Another possibility is that an effective treatment WITHOUT side effects have yet to be developed. Even if the things that are said in this webtoon is correct, the author couldn’t possibly predict the actual clinical trial of these cures as they don’t have the required knowledge and resources to go further than to list the prominent ingredients needed for the cures. There are several non-prominent methods, additional aiding materials, and a LOT of debating and convincing with colleagues and higher ups within a research that was not shown in this story. Not to mention trials and error in ratio of the doses and materials used in the cure itself and waiting for years of successful clinical trials to get an approval for it to be used widespread. The problems we have with clinical research nowadays is not that we can think of ways to treat a disease, but we don’t know how to effectively and quickly distribute and prove that these treatments work and have no way of knowing if a further research around this particular cure is even worth pursuing.
Ah also, to answer your question between the difference of COVID19 and AIDS, within a year covid had succesfully become as infectious (and even maybe MORE infectious) than the common cold despite being deadlier and constantly evolving while AIDS, for most people, are preventable and is not as easily spread. I’m assuming they prioritised the distribution of covid vaccines partly cuz of the body count level and partly due to the people’s unrest over the situation. AIDS did not stop most of the world to stop functioning, but COVID had managed to make us go into lockdown within the first few months of it being known to the public. That’s why they released vaccines that still have some prominent side effects (which was a huge controversial move that caused obvious public debate) as vaccinated people are less likely to die of the virus nor spread it, but not entirely.
i mean the effectiveness of the things that the author is saying here is kinda like somewhat true. so if it is possible that the cure for AIDs is really there. i mean why are there no reports yet?? does some greedy human still take advantage of this situations to make more money and not make a proper cure or solution to this things. like the virus of covid19 in just a year vaccine was already made and distributed online but years have past since the first case of AIDS yet no vaccine was still made just a medicine that can reduce the virus inside the body but not destroy it. idk i maybe just overthinking this shit and all but think about it.