About the rest I can’t say much because I’m confused as well lmao
But she did act different from the book.
Regina in the book apparently tried to blackmail Arsene after seeing the murder, that’s why he killed her apparently?
After FL isekai-d and saw the same murder she instead denied seeing it in every chance (even though ML knows she saw it) and even tried to create an alibi that she saw him buying jewelry that day so it couldn’t have been him.
Anyway this is what I remember, I might be wrong about something or other

I feel you but about why he proposed instead of killed her might be why because unlike in the OG story, she didn’t try to blackmail him but instead helped him establish an alibi so he might think that she values her life enough to not do anything that stupid and she’s good enough to help him with his goals through marriage.
Also, about her personal strength: what’s the she a highscholer when she was isekaid? It’s obvious she wouldn’t have any skills or experiences so she’d act more like a child at times or at least more immature (especially when she’s fearing for her life)
Btw I’m not trying to get you to not drop or convince you that you’re wrong. In fact, please drop the story if you don’t like it. I’m just pointing out possible explanations for the points mentioned in your comment. I kinda do agree that I can’t see where this is heading either, especially with the random appearance of magic powers and such. I might also drop temporarily and then binge to see if it gets better.

I don’t think you get my point.
Before all, thank you for reminding me that she was in highschool!!! I had totally forgotten about that.
But it doesn’t really change my POV.
I’m not saying she *can’t* be scared for her life. I’m saying that she should, at least, have her own strength that makes her special and, at least, different and noticeable. Do you know that blonde girl in « Your Throne »? She’s a bit like Regina. She’s scared for her life, has no physical strength, can’t do much alone; but her determination and her capacity to understand things fast ARE her OWN strengths and make her special and powerful in her own way.
Our FL has nothing of the sort. She only knows on how to rely on others and actually doesn’t *try* to save herself from the situations she is in, putting aside those where her truly in danger.

Tbh I’m still confused about the falling in love part. I personally don’t like it cause there’s no real reason to fall for her yet so I’m hoping it’s more interest (if that) than him falling for her. Ik from what we’ve seen in the story he’s likely already in live (him defending from the emperor, saving her, etc) but I don’t like it either.
I really want more backstory into him before he actually falls in love cause this feels flat and rushed.

I don’t think I explained myself well earlier. I’m just gonna write it like this, she’s living a completely normal life (from what we know in her og life, she probably had a normal life and family), things like murder or her life being endangered would never be something she was exposed to. It’s clear she obviously doesn’t know how to deal with anything and has no inner strength add to the fact that she probably has to get used to the whole nobility life as well.
Ab the your throne comparison, I feel like it’s not fair cause the blonde girl was to a certain extent used to that world and that life so she had more reason to get her bearings on straight and stand up for herself (especially considering the amount of hardships she had faced which made her be stronger). In contrast this FL has absolutely nothing like that which might be why she’s reacting like this.
Idk I might be giving the author too much credit and she’s really that one dimensional but I think that to a certain extent her actions are justified. At the same time, I do understand your point and i want her to develop some confidence in herself. She is supposedly planning on running away tho (even though she’ll probably not go through with it) so something. Interesting might happen.
Considering dropping-
The story doesn’t make much sense. Why did Arsene propose to her instead of killing her right away like he did in the book when she didn’t act ANY different than she did in the book? If he’s the villain, why did he and Regina’s bestF go out and why did he kill himself for her out of love ? Why is he in love with Regina already????
Talking about Regina, she’s quite annoying. I mean, I get that she’s mad worried and scared for her life, but sometimes I think it’s too much.
It’s not the fact that she’s not as powerful and courageous as other FLs like Your Throne’s, Remarried Impress’ ect. It’s just that she has NO strength for herself. She can’t do anything alone.
It’s not bad to rely on others, but that’s the only thing she can do.
This story makes no sense I’m crying in my bed what the fuck