scan beans translated it first, but their releases were limited to their discord server only. someone is stealing their translations and posting to mangago when they said NOT to reupload to other websites. notyou's ignored the request of scan beans to not reupload to another website and uploaded over sheira&sho

Actually, both Teams translated it at the same time. Shoira at first only released on their ins†ä and Dįscørd, Scans Beans also only released on their Dįscørd.
In the very beggining, someone started uploading Scans Beans translations here without their permission, then someone tried to translate and failed miserable (anyone still remembers the Shakespearian dirty talk? With ah-ah no me me, go go to sleep, You gay, Aaah Joah, Apple, uncle?). So, after the failed attempt someone else started uploading Shoira Scans, Shoira them took over and started uploading here themselves since people where stealing their Scans anyways.
What happened now was that while Shoira was already uploading here for a long time, a random user Notyou_ started stealing Scans Beans translations and uploading it here again, over Shoira, which lead to misunderstandings with both Teams and readers, them Shoira decided to walk away because they didn't want to partake in any unnecessary hate or drama.
Now the Uploader is notyou_, who's still uploading the translations from Scans Beans without their permission, they are not related to the Team.
All we can do now is to move on and enjoy the chapters while someone is still uploading avoid unnecessary hate, respect Shoira decision of walking away and to not attack the other Team.
i find it kinda rude how this new uploader took over what seira and sho have built. they are the ones who started translating this comic first, and now that there is a stable fandom, the new scan team just comes in and takes their spot away.
why waste resources on a project that another team was already spending their resources on? there are so many untranslated korean webcomics out there that haven,'t been touched by translators yet, so why take this comic that already had a team working on it and then shoo said team away?
it seems like a waste and also incredibly rude to me.