Everything happened too fast and too soon @_@ too bad cuz the whole plot premise is actual...

RinRinRinB July 5, 2021 9:07 am

Everything happened too fast and too soon @_@ too bad cuz the whole plot premise is actually really good maybe instead of chapter 62 being the aftermath already, maybe the author can change it to the recap of everything that happened when they saved Estian, and then back to the present
Like there should be at least 1 more chapter dedicated to that scene... Idk thats just me tho

Doing that feels like it would retain the author's wishes of a unique climax without letting the readers feel like they were supposed to slowly be immersed into that climax but all they got was a lil nudge and that was it

    Kaname July 5, 2021 10:18 am

    That scene would be reallly cringey if they add the scene where they saved estian like what happened at the dragon back there. I'm okay with how the author unfolded the story

    RinRinRinB July 5, 2021 4:45 pm
    That scene would be reallly cringey if they add the scene where they saved estian like what happened at the dragon back there. I'm okay with how the author unfolded the story Kaname

    I mean it could be romantic if done right
    Anyways im not rlly focus on that scene too much i guess i just made that into example in how the author can slow down a bit cuz it felt like they were rushing to the ending when they had the choice to really marinate it

    (So like in that sense it's like food, i dont dislike the dish they made in fact i loved it - had they waited a lil longer tho it wouldv been more flavorful) but yeah i get what u mean, i guess to each our own tastes :D