wonhomilkytiddies July 5, 2021 8:59 am

ok so !

ok I’ve tried reading this manga TWICE LMFAOO but I just can’t get past ch 10 like .. idk maybe the plot isn’t exciting enough or it’s just too many people involved idk .. I love love love the femdom tho ! but I just decided to skip to last 5 chaps (87-92) and honestly I kinda got the gist of what happened , but wit chulsoo, I think that’s how you spell it, she’s not dating him at the end ??? He’s just her main puppy orrrr ??? cus the end kinda had me a lil confuse or is she just a dom wit like multiple subs ??

    wonhomilkytiddies July 5, 2021 9:02 am

    or was the ending wit him and her a form of collaring ?? hmm like when the dom gives the sub a collar and it’s like a special thing that shows possession, (just in case anyone doesn’t know what it is)