Oh well just make sure not to look up the shit the new guy said lol

A_San July 5, 2021 4:31 am

As a veteran hentai searcher, the extreme of torture porn can go to great lengths
It could be just being beat up during sex ( more hardcore bdsm ) or straight up blood and guts and limbs lol
Just try to avoid it as best as u could
It ruined my young mind and I can never get my innocence back TT

    ಠಗಠ July 5, 2021 4:49 am

    It's already too late to say that I already did it my brain is melting rn trying to process what I saw〒_〒

    Aila July 5, 2021 5:29 am
    It's already too late to say that I already did it my brain is melting rn trying to process what I saw〒_〒 ಠಗಠ

    Besties I'm here with you, every now and then my brain gets an intrusive flashback at least I listened to the warnings and have never seen 2 girls 1 cup

    ImustNotBeNamed July 5, 2021 5:50 am
    Besties I'm here with you, every now and then my brain gets an intrusive flashback at least I listened to the warnings and have never seen 2 girls 1 cup Aila

    Worst part is, sometimes the flashbacks come when I'm eating. Fck

    ಠಗಠ July 5, 2021 6:05 am
    Worst part is, sometimes the flashbacks come when I'm eating. Fck ImustNotBeNamed

    I can't get it out of my mind it's so frustrating, sometimes i remember them when I'm with my family凸(-_-)凸