You right. Plus I think most of these authors are asian and...well, Asians seem to hate darker skin cause they're toxic and racist. I read that this is because tanned people were often peasants in the past and being pale meant you were likely rich but in this day and age it's still pretty obvious how it's become racist. Nobody tanner than a black person. And the constant ads for face whitening cremes, and their treatment of tanned or darker skinned people as dirty. I think this is low-key manifested in their work. Either that or as usual, people who aren't pale af are seen eXotic.
Literally the only one I've read like that is Mother's Spirit, which I'll excuse somewhat. But every other manga with darker skinned characters that I've read has the character living the same lifestyle as a pale af character yet they are portrayed different. Still animalistic, and the longer canines for no reason.
Am I the only one who's a bit offended by all the mangas that portray darker skinned people as savage or animalistic while their pale counterparts are usually more human and capable of rational thought. I don't know, I just feel like it's becoming a pattern. Whether or not they are the dominant party in a relationship, they always have more wild personality traits and and seem less educated.