Oh Momo. . .

lostikins August 31, 2016 5:49 pm

Mama Momo and Momo both had it rough, huh?
At first, just like anyone else, I was pissed off at the mom
for being so horrible to him but like-- it was pretty
rough on her as well. Yeah she's being selfish but
this is actually a pretty common practice in most single
parent families. The parent abandons the child only
to find their own happiness then ask that same child
to cut ties with them and to never talk to them again
for fear of being found out. It's heart breaking.

    Anoni Grrl August 31, 2016 6:19 pm

    Your compassion is admirable, but I feel it is displaced. Child abuse is much more than "selfish". Bottom line: she's the adult. When times get rough, it's her duty to protect her child.

    Anonymous August 31, 2016 6:39 pm

    OK, now she has her child gang raped while she is watching, while he screams for help and the men enjoy themselves. How can it be "normal",or forgivable . I give up, the thing is she should be sentenced for life, or at least karma should follow her. And NO, Momo had it worse. I can't believe at such comparisons.

    Kiss* August 31, 2016 6:52 pm

    Was she forced by her parents to be gang raped while she was a Child? Probably 6 years old? And not once, but daily . Can you picture such a scene and still think she is "human",while the child screams ......it's just horrid. Come on, she probably is a sociopath, they can be raped too. Even the author made it clear, no fake tears, just I hated him , he is trash, I used him for money, don't care what happens to him while I get married, I pretended to be a good mother at first. She calls him "that child" not her son. I never hated a character this much

    Squishy August 31, 2016 7:07 pm

    I agree with you, guys. She's a psycho! She just watched and did nothing to protect poor Momo and she still finds a stupid excuse as "he's the child of a rapist" or "I didn't love him". F#ck you, monster!(▰˘◡˘▰) Even if she had a hard time, she still had to educate and protect her child.... And when you realise there are parents like this.... ( ̄へ ̄)

    CurlyFujoshi August 31, 2016 8:56 pm

    I don't mean to defend what mama momo did to momo cuz it was wrong, but people have to understand that not everyone is ready for the responsibility of being a parent. Parents make terrible mistakes, even in real life.(raise your hand if you are a byproduct of bad to terrible parent/s (●'◡'●)ノ ) She just had a baby kinda forced on her while she was young and immature, not even having her own life together, so yeah she'll make some shitty decisions. So how can she be a good mom to momo when she barely knows how to be a good person? So when people say I hate her and whatnot, I understand, because IT WAS WRONG. But in the same token, understand the situation first. Isn't it kinda the same with rape victim who got pregnant? Should she love the baby even under the circumstances? It's still ultimately up to her. And before people get mad at me, again, SHE. WAS. WRONG but people do really wrong things in the first place.

    Kiss* August 31, 2016 10:11 pm
    I don't mean to defend what mama momo did to momo cuz it was wrong, but people have to understand that not everyone is ready for the responsibility of being a parent. Parents make terrible mistakes, even in rea... CurlyFujoshi

    I will give you an example from a psychiatric case. A man was abused and raped during his childhood, he ended up marrying a woman whom he abused and stabbed to death. The man went to trail and said he lost control and how much he loved her. It was fake since the man felt no empathy at all, he was sentenced to death while doctors agreed that his childhood triggered his behavior but that first of all, he was a psychopath. The same goes with momo's mother, despite what happened to her, in the end she was a sociopath not capable of guilt or sadness over the pain she caused.

    lostikins August 31, 2016 10:15 pm
    Your compassion is admirable, but I feel it is displaced. Child abuse is much more than "selfish". Bottom line: she's the adult. When times get rough, it's her duty to protect her child. Anoni Grrl

    You forget she was a child herself when she was, as we can take it from context clues of this chapter, raped. Her entire family abandoned her and even degraded her by saying it was all her fault. Like I said previously though, I'm not saying what she did was right-- but she was pretty broken before he was even born. Coming from a single parent household that has had more of our fair share of ordeals I can kinda see what sort of mental abuse Mama Momo went through. Now, did I say it was justified? No. She let her jealousy get the best of her. Her jealousy and rage at the child that was forced on her-- and the child of the man who completely destroyed her life. Do I think she wanted to reconcile even a little bit? Yes. It was obvious by her attempt at a final farewell before she left the country for good. Both were too stubborn to move an inch but yanno, like mother like son.

    lostikins August 31, 2016 10:20 pm
    OK, now she has her child gang raped while she is watching, while he screams for help and the men enjoy themselves. How can it be "normal",or forgivable . I give up, the thing is she should be sentenced f... @Anonymous

    Hmmmm but you forget that she was raped herself. And I also never said it was justified what she did. I'm not sticking up for her, which is what you people are seeming to get from this. I was just stating that the whole situation between the two was heartbreaking. Do you honestly think she wanted those things to happen to her or her child? Do you honestly think she grew up as a small child praying for a life like that? She was raped, completely disowned by her family and when she had finally gotten it into her head that she wanted to raise Momo the best she could she found out that he was sleeping with all the guys she was dating. That broke her already fragile mind and pushed her past the point of no return. She was already pretty broken before he was born, being forced to have him and bear the consequences when it wasn't her fault. ONCE AGAIN. I AM NOT. STICKING UP. FOR HER. I'm just trying to get you guys to see that she isn't your stereotypical psychopath female figure like you guys are always so hungry to find in bl.

    lostikins August 31, 2016 10:24 pm
    Was she forced by her parents to be gang raped while she was a Child? Probably 6 years old? And not once, but daily . Can you picture such a scene and still think she is "human",while the child screams ..... Kiss*

    You forget the part where she said that she wanted to try and raise him normally. The burden on her mind was too much to bear and him going behind her back and having sex with the guys she was bringing home was the final thread. It's actually quite funny reading you guys' feedback-- even though I never stated I was sticking up for her.

    You can obviously tell she was feeling remorseful. She wanted the cheap plastic toy ring Momo gave to her back but she tried to play it off. Harada is good at these head games. You gotta pay attention to detail. //patpat

    lostikins August 31, 2016 10:26 pm
    I agree with you, guys. She's a psycho! She just watched and did nothing to protect poor Momo and she still finds a stupid excuse as "he's the child of a rapist" or "I didn't love him". F#ck you, monster!(▰˘... Squishy

    You guys keep forgetting the part where Momo was already having sex for money behind Mama Momo's baaaaaaaack. Yeah, she probably shouldn't have brought guys around and had sex with them with Momo around but he had already started doing those things before she abandoned him.

    lostikins August 31, 2016 10:36 pm
    I don't mean to defend what mama momo did to momo cuz it was wrong, but people have to understand that not everyone is ready for the responsibility of being a parent. Parents make terrible mistakes, even in rea... CurlyFujoshi

    She was a rape victim. She calls the man that impregnated her a "criminal" so we can only guess that's what she meant by it. And I don't know where everyone is getting this idea that I'm saying I like Mama Momo or that I'm defending her. All I said was that they both had it rough and that what she is doing presently is a common practice. I don't appreciate people automatically assuming that I'm sticking up for what she did. It's more like I'm trying to explain that she wasn't really sound in mind when the past events took place. Her whole world was literally destroyed because of one guy. No one stood by her side. Her family left her to take care of the child by herself despite her being a child as well. She wanted to do right despite the hate she felt towards the man. She tried so hard to look past it but couldn't. She made poor decisions by bringing men around Momo and letting him find out about prostitution. Hell, she probably had no choice but to do her job at home seeing as she had no financial backing other than the men she was roping in so it probably couldn't be really avoided. And it's not like she coulda gotten a better job. She was forced to drop out of school to take care of Momo and her family left her. Anyways, when she found out that Momo had been having sex for money with her men that's what broke her. She saw herself in Momo and couldn't take it. Seeing both her broken self and the man that raped her in one child was too much for her to take.

    Once again, I'm not defending her but I'm also not going to "hate her guts for being so horrible" either without first paying attention to detail.

    lostikins August 31, 2016 10:42 pm
    Your compassion is admirable, but I feel it is displaced. Child abuse is much more than "selfish". Bottom line: she's the adult. When times get rough, it's her duty to protect her child. Anoni Grrl

    She could have easily just left the country and no one would've found out about Momo. But she didn't. She wanted to at least say farewell and wanted to see if Momo had the ring he had given to her when he was little. The look on her face and the final line of the chapter are pretty evident that they were both just being stubborn 'cause they had left so much bad blood between the two of them that they just--well-- were too stubborn to apologize. I don't think Momo fully blames her for everything and Mama Momo knows that what she did was wrong. THEY ARE BOTH JUST SO DAMN STUBBORN THAT IT HURTS.

    Kiss* August 31, 2016 10:47 pm
    You forget the part where she said that she wanted to try and raise him normally. The burden on her mind was too much to bear and him going behind her back and having sex with the guys she was bringing home was... lostikins

    First of all, he didn't have sex... It was a blow job, while she forced him to go all the way. Second of all she admitted she only pretended to love him, third of all if a bf touches your kid you kill the bastard, fourth of all at the start of this manga momo admitted of not knowing that what he did was dirty. Cuz in the end he was an innocent child. Now, I believe Harada isn't protecting the mother at all. She showed us she was raped and what a good mom she was at first and we thought maybe she has regrets, what she did next? She showed us that she only pretended of being a good mother, that she is happy now, that momo was in her way of having a bf, that she doesn't call him her "son" but that child . Harada dehumanized her, not tears, no guilt, nothing at all. I will give you the same example, in a psychiatric case the man was abused and raped during his childhood. He ended up marrying a woman whom he abused and killed. During the trial the man said he lost control and that he always loved her, it was revealed the man felt no sign of guilt nor love. He was sentenced to death while the doctors agreed that his childhood might have triggered such behavior but that first of all, he was a psychopath. Momo's mother showed no sing of pain, nor regret, when she met Momo she accused him of being her cause of problems, a child nborn from hate, she said those things to a child she abused . Like in the psychiatric case, despite what happened to her, she is first of all a sick person, prpbably a sociopath with narcissist undertones

    Anoni Grrl August 31, 2016 11:30 pm
    She could have easily just left the country and no one would've found out about Momo. But she didn't. She wanted to at least say farewell and wanted to see if Momo had the ring he had given to her when he was l... lostikins

    Bad blood? She's a criminal who abused and sold her own son. He was a child. This was child abuse. She needs to be held legally, morally, and criminally accountable.

    So the unrepentant child abuser who sold her own son to rapists so she wouldn't have to get a real job didn't leave the country without wanting pity and emotional validation from the son she abused and then abandoned without a way to support himself? The child abuser has no right to be stubborn. She should be on her knees and in a prison. She is a hardened criminal, no matter how she got to be that way, and she is toxic.

    Momo isn't being stubborn at all. He's not doing enough to protect himself, and Yata should be telling the bitch to go to hell. What hurts is that people who are supposed to care about Momo now aren't standing up for him and making her go the hell away.

    Kiss* August 31, 2016 11:35 pm
    Bad blood? She's a criminal who abused and sold her own son. He was a child. This was child abuse. She needs to be held legally, morally, and criminally accountable.So the unrepentant child abuser who sold her ... Anoni Grrl

    Anoni Grrl August 31, 2016 11:37 pm
    You guys keep forgetting the part where Momo was already having sex for money behind Mama Momo's baaaaaaaack. Yeah, she probably shouldn't have brought guys around and had sex with them with Momo around but he ... lostikins

    He was a child. Six years old---six! No six year old understands those kinds of things. If the child abuser put him around people who would do things like that to him, it's on her. I'm sorry she was raped at 16 (almost an adult) and I'm sorry about her family--but none of that lessens her responsibility for her own criminal and immoral acts, or makes the crap she's trying to pull now okay.

    lostikins September 1, 2016 1:01 am
    He was a child. Six years old---six! No six year old understands those kinds of things. If the child abuser put him around people who would do things like that to him, it's on her. I'm sorry she was raped at 16... Anoni Grrl

    Oh how I wish I could just mass quote you all right now;

    Lemme put you in her shoes at the age of 16. Let's make you all go through the same thing she had to go through. You've got a greater chance of going insane and killing yourself than you do of coming out normal. We are forgetting the mental and emotional strain Japanese students have on themselves, especially around the age of 16, and then the whole "you can't dishonor your family" thing. She was basically torn to pieces, no shred of humanity left, by the time Momo was born. Yes, she saw Momo as a child born of hate but who could truly blame her? Most rape victims get abortions or even do at home "remedies" to get rid of the child. But she tried. Even though she was forced, she /tried./ Despite all the hate inside of her, she-- /tried./

    Now, am I saying what she did to him AFTER finding out he had been sucking dick for money from her clients was right? No. I do believe some sort of action should've been taken or at least let Momo deck you in the face one good time. But I can't say that she did all of this with a sound mind. Nor do I believe she was born that way. It never says that she was mental to begin with and she even says that she didn't expect anyone to believe her 'cause that was obviously the way her peers and family were from the get go. For all we could know she grew up in a shitty home life as well and Momo was just doomed to follow that same course. BUT WE DON'T KNOW 'CAUSE ALL WE HEARD WAS FROM HIS CHILDHOOD ON.

    Anoni Grrl September 1, 2016 1:41 am
    Oh how I wish I could just mass quote you all right now;Lemme put you in her shoes at the age of 16. Let's make you all go through the same thing she had to go through. You've got a greater chance of going insa... lostikins

    I understand what you mean about being in her shoes, and it doesn't change anything. She should still be held fully accountable for her actions. If there is more that explains how she got to be a criminal, that wouldn't change anything either. She says she tried, but actions speak louder than words. If she couldn't handle it,she should have given him up for adoption or left him to foster parents because anything is better than the abuse she gave and innocent child.

    Here is a point to consider: Momo grew up with only her--and we know she abused him and then abandoned him. Did Momo choose to take it out on others (as she did)? No. Momo sacrificed his home and lifestyle for a woman who was going to have a baby with his owner. Momo tries to make Yata happy and not sponge off him. Momo tries to get a job and do the right thing, even when people from his past don't want to let him succeed in even the simplest thing.

    So, if Momo can be such a good person despite all the abuse he suffered from an unrepresented criminal,why couldn't the child abuser manage better than she did? Yes, she was dealt a shitty hand--but then she had a choice--and she chose criminal actions against her own small son. there are a million other things she could have done, but she chose to do that, and she still hasn't taken responsibility for it.

    As I said before, I understand it was hard and she was in a bad place--but then she mad choices that were criminal, immoral, and demand consequences. Once she takes it out on a child, her problems, and her emotions no longer matter at all. She's crossed the line and needs to pay for it.

    lilu123 September 1, 2016 2:39 am
    Bad blood? She's a criminal who abused and sold her own son. He was a child. This was child abuse. She needs to be held legally, morally, and criminally accountable.So the unrepentant child abuser who sold her ... Anoni Grrl

    exactly what my heart was screaming

    Pokopen September 1, 2016 3:24 am
    I don't mean to defend what mama momo did to momo cuz it was wrong, but people have to understand that not everyone is ready for the responsibility of being a parent. Parents make terrible mistakes, even in rea... CurlyFujoshi

    Actually, my friend killed her child after he was born and then killed herself. It was on news for a week. And after that our government made steps to avoid this kind of thing happen in next time. Oh! For your information, my friend was raped by 10 drunk men when she walked home from school. They tied her and raped her till night and tossed her in the street after 3 days. A truck driver found her screamed for help anf help her.
