Hun I have a soft spot for kids too I completely agree and understand.
trust me, you don't have to have a soft spot for kids to see that the woman is a monster. I couldn't agree more with you and your post. not that it matters at all, but i think that she didn't find him men at first. if i am not wrong he used to do her men for money and then she find out. and instead of killing the bastards, she got jealous... she really is just a monster...
He woulddo what they told him, but it was never penetrtion. When she found out she forced him to go all the way.
you don't have to have a soft spot for kids to see that the woman is a monster ,I would agree with you, if it weren't for the fact that some justify the woman and believe she deserves to be happy like anyone. It baffles me....
She would deserve to be happy if she showed any kind of remorse and tried to makjavascript:;e her son happy first. That woman threw her own child away after treating him the way she did...I know he is the result of a rape but I really dont get it.How can you hate or be jealous of an innocent child?It is a really difficult matter and I can accept the opinions of others, but if I were her kid, I could never forget what she's done. Because if I were in her position, i could never act the way she did. But i understand that different people with different backgrounds and ways of thinking , may think she has change and deserves happiness since she had hard times too...But i could never justify her doings to her own kid...She had no excuses for being a monster. The only thing I could accept, is if she had changed and tried to correct her mistakes in any way possible, but she seems to continue acting like a b***h.
I just feel disgust for that woman. And frankly I hate how Yata seems to be clueless, she forced a kid in elementary school to have sex, she abused him and left him without school and this supposed boyfriend and friend go out saying "I understand the hardships of being a single mom"?! Like fuck you, what about getting raped at 6 or 7 years old, having your mother find you men, beat you, and throw you away. Oh she finally got married and is happy, poor soul.Her own child got in her way because she couldn't find a boyfriend. Really such people deserve death penalty. I am glad Harada showed her for what she is, no fake tears or pain, simply a monster.And I admire how she can show the pain Momo feels,btw that's the pain rape victims and abused children feel,the worst part is seeing them considering themselves trash and worthless of affection. Sorry for this, but I have a soft spot for kids.