
ikodoki July 4, 2021 3:42 pm

the fact that kyouko still wont tell yuusuke abt how kaoru made a move on her and touched her is making me mad. just because they werent on good terms at that time doesnt make it a situation that could be just brushed off. yuusuke had troubles with other women too but it never gotten to the part where they'd touch him sexually (lmao it was just a rumor but kyouko's already getting her heart broken)
and kyouko knew about that situation.

now, this kaoru dude is also getting on my nerves. if u liked kaoru why didnt u make a move on her when yuusuke still wasnt in the picture? u had a lot of time. u made a move on her when she had problems with her boyfriend, and touched her sexually. its your fault she didnt end up with you.

    ikodoki July 4, 2021 3:46 pm

    honestly at this point i'd rather have kyouko with kaoru lol. her not telling yuusuke abt the incident is a goddamn red flag. yuusuke deserves someone more honest- someone who would immediately push away the person touching them sexually when they've got a boyfriend/girlfriend

    KurooTsukkiStan July 13, 2021 2:03 am
    honestly at this point i'd rather have kyouko with kaoru lol. her not telling yuusuke abt the incident is a goddamn red flag. yuusuke deserves someone more honest- someone who would immediately push away the pe... ikodoki

    Honestly I want Yusuke to find out and dump her ass and beat the hell out of Kaoru. If it does happen let me know. This author is so dumb think they can add sexual assault as a plot device and then treat it like nothing. Sadly this happens in almost all josei

    ikodoki July 13, 2021 2:53 am
    Honestly I want Yusuke to find out and dump her ass and beat the hell out of Kaoru. If it does happen let me know. This author is so dumb think they can add sexual assault as a plot device and then treat it lik... KurooTsukkiStan

    im glad that u agree. s.a. on women usually gets brushed off by authors especially when its their "friends" and they consider it an accident. but when it comes to guys all hell would break loose. i had hopes for this manga but i dont like it anymore

    ikodoki July 13, 2021 2:55 am
    Honestly I want Yusuke to find out and dump her ass and beat the hell out of Kaoru. If it does happen let me know. This author is so dumb think they can add sexual assault as a plot device and then treat it lik... KurooTsukkiStan

    sure babe i'll let u know when yuusuke gets the truth that he deserves

    KurooTsukkiStan July 13, 2021 3:02 am
    sure babe i'll let u know when yuusuke gets the truth that he deserves ikodoki

    Thank you so much!!!