Behind the knowledge of his moles

lenaGRonyx August 31, 2016 4:47 am

I'm looking for a yaoi.
I don't remember the story, surely 2 friends who ends up together or something. Well, then here my memories:
At the end of the last chapter or almost last, the seme he's meeting a friend (a mutual friend to these 2 guys in love).
I'm pretty sure they're sitting at the counter of a bar, and the friend tell to the seme (because he is suspecting something between them two) something like:
- "you know these moles that (the uke) have on his right kneel, it's really special"
And the seme answer:
- "No, it's not there, it's inside of his left thigh- ah..."
- "...=_="..."
(I'm making up the sentences and moles whereabouts, what's important is that the seme corrects his friend's telling)
And, big akward moment: the friend understood they're in a relationship and the seme understood he's a big looser XD
At this point, the uke arrives and is saying hello what's happening, but nobody is giving him an answer. And that's it ^^

Hope somebody can help me,
thanks in advance for your reply ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Meimei August 31, 2016 5:14 am

    I wanna read this too~

    Anonymous August 31, 2016 5:29 am
    lenaGRonyx August 31, 2016 5:53 am
    I think it's Calorie @Anonymous

    So fast! It's certainly that, I know "Calorie".
    Yes, it is! Thank you so much, it was bothering the hell out of me ^^
    (there's no mole at all in the end, no wonder I couldn't find it, I'm so gifted XD)