Someone really said 'it doesnt matter, Cains just some random dude' uh, hello, have we for...

kane-san July 4, 2021 12:19 pm

Someone really said 'it doesnt matter, Cains just some random dude' uh, hello, have we forgotten, cain must have known jooin from his past life as a canine, sometimes i forget this has supernatural elements, although it hasnt been shown yet but a theory i have to wrap up cains toeyline and heartbreak is, what if Cain simped for the wrong jooin in this life and he got it completely wrong, as he did run up to hin based on his intuition in the first place.

    AdmaYellovv July 4, 2021 12:40 pm

    Agree but he’s still dull and pretty much useless to the story. It’s been 57 chapters and we still don’t know anything about this guy(other than the fact that he makes creepy faces from time to time and that he’s a dog) . It’s obvious that he’s here for the drama and I really don’t see him ending up with mc. Tbh this is just bad writing and I feel like we won’t get to see his story. But yeah, too bad bcs he could have been a great character, especially as the main love interest, but I just don’t see it in this manhwa. I really don’t like him but I can see where u guys are coming from( Bc the other guy is just cruel and I guess Cain is the better option) . But in my opinion, to be the better option out of the two bads is not enough. Really wish the author would take more time to develop his personality, instead of showing us how fucked up the other dude is. Hope this makes sense lol I know I kept blabbering.

    kane-san July 4, 2021 4:12 pm
    Agree but he’s still dull and pretty much useless to the story. It’s been 57 chapters and we still don’t know anything about this guy(other than the fact that he makes creepy faces from time to time and t... AdmaYellovv

    to be fair with you, i don't really care who jooin ends up with, i think i'd have a little more enthusiasm trying to guess if jooin was much clear with his trajectory. Also, i can tell really hard that Jooin is trying really hard to give Yahwi as much time and chances as he physically can, so yahwi can get his ish together, personally i think he should pressure him more, but with that being said, this means he's deffo not gonna let kitty get away so easily because he loves him, he wants to see him put a little more effort in which is the bare minumum, HOWEVER, damn that was a long compound sentence... Just dont keep Cain waiting, communication's trash in this manhwa so he should've at least expressed this and rejected him and told him who his heart was with. Cause cain looks like a clown *honk*