The only thing I remembered about the novel is that the author dumbed down and weakened Ma...

Moth July 4, 2021 12:12 pm

The only thing I remembered about the novel is that the author dumbed down and weakened Mason too much. For a mercenary leader, he is too weak, naive, gullible, and dumb. He became a damsel in a distress that needs to be saved by his knight. For Noah, aside from being too possessive, controlling, and manipulative, I didn’t find him particularly charming either. He’s rather bland. Plot is also not so great. Not sure how the webtoon will be, but I hope it will be better than the novel .

    Chimmygirl July 4, 2021 5:13 pm

    As there have been some changes in the plot of the Manhwa I think the characters too will witness some changes.