Ally July 4, 2021 8:56 am

Please everyone, don't give visibility to works like these that promote pedophilia. Maybe for you it's just a fantasy but think of all the children whose lives are ruined, who do not have the means to defend themselves and who are deprived of their innocence, of their consent, attacked in their privacy . Think about those who suffer, don't support this stuff

    「soft serve」 July 9, 2021 12:36 pm

    I meant to dislike sorry. I know pedophilia is a real problem in the real world but please remember that this work is also the author's livelihood. It's sad to say but the author obviously wrote a shotacon because there is an audience for it. But they are not blatantly saying that pedophilia is okay.

    p0lin July 9, 2021 2:05 pm
    I meant to dislike sorry. I know pedophilia is a real problem in the real world but please remember that this work is also the author's livelihood. It's sad to say but the author obviously wrote a shotacon beca... 「soft serve」

    the author could write something else????? no one is forcing them to write smut about a CHILD

    Ally July 9, 2021 5:51 pm
    I meant to dislike sorry. I know pedophilia is a real problem in the real world but please remember that this work is also the author's livelihood. It's sad to say but the author obviously wrote a shotacon beca... 「soft serve」

    Why draw a story with a relationship between an adult and another person who looks exactly like a child if not to attract pedophiles? Stop hiding the truth from yourself. I respect the work of authors who deserve respect, not those who normalize unhealthy and abusive relationships like pedophilia. If the author has chosen to draw this, it is with full knowledge of the facts, nothing can excuse her. There are many other ways to make a living than to draw such things, and personally I find that exploiting such a serious subject to realize the phantasies (unhealthy one could say it) of some is really disgusting! To the best of my mind!

    phil the lesbian ❦ July 9, 2021 6:55 pm
    Why draw a story with a relationship between an adult and another person who looks exactly like a child if not to attract pedophiles? Stop hiding the truth from yourself. I respect the work of authors who deser... Ally

    You said this so right

    phil the lesbian ❦ July 9, 2021 6:58 pm

    Don’t let the likes get to you. People hate being called out and they hate when we call them what they are. They like to excuse it as fiction when their feelings are still real. These types of shit still feeds into the pedophilic agenda and it is sexualizing children which is so wrong in many ways. Most of them are just young fujoshi’s who don’t understand how much anything can effect the real world no matter if its fake. He’s still a child, it’s still a depicted image of a child and an adult, therefore, it’s pedophillia.

    phil the lesbian ❦ July 9, 2021 6:58 pm
    Don’t let the likes get to you. People hate being called out and they hate when we call them what they are. They like to excuse it as fiction when their feelings are still real. These types of shit still feed... phil the lesbian ❦


    Ally July 10, 2021 12:23 am

    Thank you, you are absolutely right! And don't worry, dislikes don't do anything to me, I know it pisses a lot of people that I'm telling the truth. People don't want to accept that they support this stuff just "because they're reading a shotacon on the internet". Any action has a consequence, and to support and give visibility to such a work is to support and give visibility to pedolphilia, whatever one says about it. I don't care to bother people by saying that, maybe some will realize that and I don't totally blame them, we don't necessarily realize, but those who remain stubborn without wanting to understand anything, for me you are just in denial. I have said all I have to say, don't bother to answer in defense of the indefensible, you will hurt yourself!

    phil the lesbian ❦ July 10, 2021 1:30 am
    Thank you, you are absolutely right! And don't worry, dislikes don't do anything to me, I know it pisses a lot of people that I'm telling the truth. People don't want to accept that they support this stuff just... Ally

    Thank you. Just by reading this and giving it 5 star ratings is supporting pedophilloic behavior. They hate to hear the truth be told because they know they’re the ones we’re talking about. They don’t like accountability. Usually the ones who are stubborn are minors. I’m a minor myself but I at least understand these dynamics. This being fiction does not exempt it from being disgusting behavior. They get so defensive to. People will learn one day on how this is actually affecting the real world. By reading these types of things and saying it’s okay, youre normalizing pedo types of things. This shouldn’t even be a debate either way cause in the first place why do they want to write about kids being with adults so bad anyways. Why do y’all want to draw sexual images of art depicting children so bad for? It’s getting out of hand.