the stereotype that women are more mature than men is bs, it's just because our bodies mature earlier but our brains don't have much of a difference.
It's an excuse men say to pray on younger girls who are less experienced (with dating and sex etc - you can't complain about problems afterall if you don't know any better) or to make excuses for their immature behavior. Never compromise with a guy when he's immature "because that's how guys are". It's an unfair standard to have for women, it just means they have to take the brunt of men's immaturity.
Also my advice is don't date men older than you by more than 3-4 years before you turn 22-23 (And before 18 jesus pls no more than 2 years). It's good to be on the same level at that young age and figure things out together. Sure, experience is relative, but that's why I'm saying 3-4 years.
Also super red flag don't date men in their 30s and over before you turn like 25+. Especially if they pursued you first and it was not an organic thing that just sorta happened. Most of the time these guys are having like a life crisis and want a younger less experienced girl that looks up to them as intelligent and mature even if women their age sees them for what they really are. Also a lot of the time they already have a gf on the side that they cheat on with the younger girl.
I might be a full time lesbian at this point in my life but I know men and how they can be quite well and I've seen friends get hurt by these scenarios over and over again. I wish you the best with your future dating life internet stranger!!

<3 yay! My protective instincts kicked in lol. I have forreal seen these scenarios play out very often, and almost fell into one myself! Of course I am talking about different situations than this webtoon where the two ppl meet organically, neither of them chased each other for their age etc. Have a good day!
I've never been involve in a relationship in the past. As far as I can tell, I like man my age, but other people around me said the woman is more mature than man so I don't know. But anyway, let see what's coming for me. ( ꈍᴗꈍ)