My grandma married at 14, and my mom married at 17. I really hope your mom is around my grandmas age because if not I’d be scared Racheljxx
Haha my mother probably like 58 now or so she got married around the 70s which was okay to marry at that age in my country but I still feel sorry for her. 17 still too young to marry tho I hope your mother wasn’t forced to at least? :-:
Haha my mother probably like 58 now or so she got married around the 70s which was okay to marry at that age in my country but I still feel sorry for her. 17 still too young to marry tho I hope your mother wasn... Vanth
She wasn’t forced to but at the same time it was her only way out.. I’m glad my parents are still together and happy tho, and I hope your mother wasn’t forced to marry, especially at such a young age.
oh please my parents are 12 years apart