Can I ask? Is Vanitas forced to kill Noe? and Is noe too forced so that he could save domi? what do you think the outcome of this one? because I'm anxious already haha. I thought they will be like really good friends but now they are fighting.
The end part of the Episode 1 was Noe saying how he would end up killing vanitas that's why I was a bit curious.
when will the next chapter be released. not here like the official release?
Noe was forced to kill Vanitas and take his memory, but Vanitas, he manipulated himself to killed whoever tried to take his memory (no matter who they are).
Noe was forced to kill Vanitas and take his memory, but Vanitas, he manipulated himself to killed whoever tried to take his memory (no matter who they are). Narasaki
oh i see. do you think he somehow goes back to his senses, same goes with Noe? I dont wamt them to kill each other tho. Is his memories are so precious that he wants to kill his friend. ughhh the anxiety
Can I ask? Is Vanitas forced to kill Noe? and Is noe too forced so that he could save domi? what do you think the outcome of this one? because I'm anxious already haha. I thought they will be like really good friends but now they are fighting.
The end part of the Episode 1 was Noe saying how he would end up killing vanitas that's why I was a bit curious.
when will the next chapter be released. not here like the official release?