What happened at the end?

saggisilver July 3, 2021 4:14 am

What happened at the end?

    rehabbbb July 4, 2021 8:28 pm

    my theory is dwarf trapped her in alternative reality of enless doom. dwarf was mad at her when she got that film offer and he thought she would leave/cheat him.

    Lyss February 11, 2024 3:52 pm
    my theory is dwarf trapped her in alternative reality of enless doom. dwarf was mad at her when she got that film offer and he thought she would leave/cheat him. rehabbbb

    I thought he got stabbed & died and she was left in the alternate reality with no way out. Sorry I know I’m 3 years late to this ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Jeuwuel June 19, 2024 7:25 am

    Basically, her dwarf husband got stabbed by some like thief and died, and she thought he abandoned her cause he never came for but he actually died. Then she starts hallucinating the circus cause of trauma, and the end is open but it’s leading towards she commit suislide