If you don't want spoilers don't concern yourself with them!

ChuYang July 5, 2021 4:05 am

Edit: scroll to the bottom of this post to read the added spoilers.

Ashley hates the Duke (Develo) specifically because he stood by and watched each time as Ashley was killed. Later he protects her from being injured by a sword wielded by Castor (whom the Duke later claims did not intend to harm Ashley with it. He was either testing the Duke or another companion of Ashley's, or so the Duke says). Of course this does nothing to quell Ashley's resentment towards the Duke. The Duke is the Templar of Beasts.

Ashley's mother is the Templar of Chaos.

Fleon has an older twin brother who wears glasses and looks somewhat like Castor. Fleon and his brother's mother was the previous Templar of Vulcanus. Her heir is Fleon despite him not having any power. She despises her older son because he looks like the Emperor. The Emperor forced her to be his concubine by threatening her country and killing her family members. Her older son inherited the Power of Vulcanus and the Power of the Lord(s?)* but his mother can't bear to look at him because he resembles the man who traumatized her, too much, so basically she forced herself to forget he existed. But her older son didn't grow up twisted like Castor so I feel bad for him.

Ashley is actually the Templar of Seminus (or something) because she can amplify the powers of others, such as the Stele she used to teleport herself and it's probably why she can use the diary. Ashley dropped the diary in front of Castor and it burned his hand. But him touching it also did a number on the diary itself so it stopped writing for awhile. She has a kind of lady in waiting who was supposed to become Castor's madly in love fiancee who tragically died in Light of Rusbella but after saving that Lady (Rebecca is her name), despite the fact she's still quite the coldhearted and arrogant woman, from my point of view she simps pretty badly for Ashley now. Castor also has another fiancee from yet another empire that the diary wrote was going to try and kill our MC about a year from the last chapter I read. This fiancee, like Rebecca, was also supposed to die tragically in the novel. It has been confirmed that Ashley has some imperial blood because only people with imperial blood can escape/survive (from/in) the Forbidden Forest. Ashley has also decided to take her revenge on Castor. Since she knows the events of the novel she's gonna use that knowledge to blow up the consequences Castor faces as a result of those events.

Castor has the *Power of the Heirs (don't know if the Power of the Lord is similar to this or not, though). It allows him to control the power of the other Templars to some extent since his power comes from the highest god. And you might know this already; but Castor can detect lies and read minds. Ashley gained immunity from Castor's lie detection ability only in her 30th life. And it probably took another couple lives at least for her to be able to act like a clown in such a way that Castor would let her live. But by that point she'd forgotten the advice that Amoru had given her in her first life as Ashley here until he reminded her of it in her current life. That's one of the bigger reasons why it took so many lives before she could survive beyond that day:

And in the latest chapter I've read (112) it appears Ashley is about to meet the OG heroine of the story for the first time. You know the festival that Ashley is taking part in at the beginning of chapter 1 in the manhwa (she still hasn't chosen her patronus yet btw)? Well, she remembered that Castor and Rusbella meet at the market or something before the festival takes place. So she's preparing to go to that place as well.

Edit continued. Rusbella is the OG Ashley. So apparently this is not a sandwich rebirth (I'm glad. I was kinda starting to wish for something even more different). The OG Ashley faced a death loop too. The events of the novel our Ashley read describes only one of OG Ashley's lives. The diary is a fragment of OG Ashley's soul. Castor gets stuck in a time loop by his own hand in order to trap our Ashley and cause her to go 'in****' so he can have her forever. But Ashley wakes up and escapes. So now Castor is stuck there alone and he becomes blind every time he thinks about our Ashley, I believe.
