Okay I hope they make a story abt chiwoo finding love because he really should be happy. E...

AJB July 2, 2021 10:31 pm

Okay I hope they make a story abt chiwoo finding love because he really should be happy. Even after everything he still deserves to find love even if that's not with kyujin. Since kyujin already found his love chiwoo deserves a story to where he finds his because I'm not happy with just knowing kyujin found love. Chiwoo went though a lot as well and he deserves his own side story of finding true happiness and when he does maybe him and kyujin can reconnect as friends again so that both can rekindle that old friendship.

    AJB July 2, 2021 11:06 pm

    Okay so I got the characters mixed up lol but I meant Jihyun not chiwoo and chiwoo not kyujin