Yeah you keep talking like you know me and insulting like that’s a good argument to your responds and lmao judging someone by their profile is not contributing to your responds either, see how you got out off topic by getting it out on me, how big of problem you made over a comment where you probably interpret it wrong and yeah you should have ended this earlier but ig my comment really got you mad, sorry tho

Nah id think i will like to know a weirdo as u lmafoo also i am not wrong either to be mad at this disgusting shit and i really didn't get off topic on your username it's a pedo yes his ugly ass tbh I feel sorry for your mom that's if u have one because u are showing motherless behavior sorry thought wish we could share but my mom won'tlike a weirdo like u

Lmao I really don’t see the need to insult in here but I guess that’s what makes you feel better, thinking that you know me and even getting mad over something that you clearly misinterpreted I won’t even want to explain myself over someone that thinks Insulting is helping in their argument and abt bringing moms into this is really stupid I don’t to talk abt my personal stuff in an argument guess that’s the only thing yo can do, yeah I’ll leave it like this you need to learn how to argue without insulting cuz it’s boring, I respect your opinion over this and ik why are you getting mad but like I told you, you misunderstood my comment, I never said that I like this ship or that I read it bc I liked it you see the wrong part and when someone tries to tell you that you are wrong you just close yourself and don’t care what other ppl say if you are like that why bother on replying, I read this bc I was curious I didn’t even rated it but well gn your bs gives me headache and even I typed all this you are gonna keep saying shit like you know everything and you should stop calling ppl a pedo cuz you don’t even know my age tf anyways bye

yh probably some child or a grown-ass adult even if i did know your age i would still call u that also it doesn't matter if u rate it at all u still defended also Idk what u are talking about ofc i am going to insult a dumbass person like u if u have a problem with my insult i can give u my address u can pull of and put soap in my mouth I'm tired of your weak argument and seeing that dumb username go somewhere else and as for their opinion they will mostly likely argee with me

Nah you don’t need to insult to demostrare that you are right and you shouldn’t even talk abt weak argument when all you do is insult thinking that you really did something, and abt being dumb lmao cuz you don’t understand my comment it’s sad cuz you are literally talking abt something else go re read and try at least to interpret what I meant if you can’t the we know who is the dumb one, I feel like even if you get to understand what I meant you are gonna keeping typing stuff that has nothing to do with my comment, you can come back when you understand ok? If you don’t understand then stfu and it’s not hard to get off this comment idk why you are the one telling to go somewhere else when you were the one that replied to my comment
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