And also her reaction could have simply being because of shock of that she had just woken up to, not even mentioning that she was drunk which would have clouded her judgment.
So really, your just wrong. I just hope that your not female cause otherwise I just feel sad at how as women you can’t even understand or protect another.

Let’s just say we agree to disagree. To judge one’s opinion as wrong you’re the one that’s off track. You could be right or wrong, does it matter? It’s a matter of an opinion. I didn’t call you out. I’ve always talked about the characters. It’s you that took it as a personal attack when it’s my own opinion on fictional characters.

I’m sorry what?!?
I didn’t take anything you said personally at all lool
I don’t know where in my comment any of it seem personal but I guess that’s up to your interpretation.
My point was that if your so quick to throw labels and call out names for manga characters that personify people you most likely will do the same with humans. some people on this platform come from all walks of life so since someone could related to the fiancé calling nasty name is just out right wrong. Especially since you don’t know her story yet but are only judging base on her current actions. But overall calling/labelling anyone not matter how bad they might be is wrong.
What you said about not being able to defining what can be considered right or wrong is the most logical thing you have said so far but my opinion didn’t come from personal opinion but rather a social view while yours doesn’t seem to have logic and I said before I knew trying to change others opinion is waste of time since everyone think they are so right.
But I felt instead of commenting saying what your saying ‘is the most stupidest thing I have the whole day’ I thought maybe informing you where and how you can be wrong to be more beneficial for you, if you ever come across this situation in real life.
Women in real life are always a likely target for sexual harassment cases, I hope no one around you ever experience this but if for whatever reason they unfortunately do I just hope they don’t come face to face with you who would call her weak and blame her for what she had gone through.
Saw raw chapters.. This is going to become an agonizingly painful ride very soon. The drama is never ending.