Second story not for the faint hearted

Kittencaboodle July 2, 2021 3:15 pm

Akon Tenkawa has been searching for the reincarnated soul of the man he loved for hundreds of years. As an Izuna Master (able to use his fox spirit Eika Byakko, to make premonitions and cast spells) he sent Eika out to guide Ryuuichirou Hinano to him once his soul was found. In this lifetime, Ryuuichirou is a University student who is shocked and in denial that he has any past life, let alone one where he loves a man. I liked this story for the power of Akon’s love. He lived many lonely lifetimes so his happiness at finding Ryuuichirou and his eagerness to love him was really quite sweet.

Trigger Warning: Rape, control, abuse, pain, blood play, violence ( are warned).
The second story followed Akons’ fox ayakashi Eika and his long time arch nemesis Mamoru the dog ayakashi (and mountain God). While Eika was used to fighting other ayakashi, he had never faced one as crazed and powerful as Mamoru. The mountain god has no human compassion or gentleness, but he wanted to claim for himself a version of human love and he wanted Eika. The way he claimed the fox spirit was with extreme force and dominance, blood and pain. If you are into blood play you may like this story just be warned that consent between these creatures was non existent. I think the only way you could have such a yandere and obsessed relationship with this amount of violence is with non human demon spirits. Keeping their natures in mind I went with the story, but I am not a big fan of power imbalance in relationships and would like to see more power or control from Eika to make their dynamic more interesting.
