Since most are confused about what happened, I'll try my best to explain the plot.
So Peter, who hates adults, is an adult all this time. I think the trauma from his mother's death and possibly being exposed to drugs at an early age caused his personality to dissociate from his adult self, making him think that he is still a child. I also think that when he tried to play with the kids, they gave him a look, not because he is Dave's brother, but because they find it weird that a grown up man wants to play with them. About the pixie dust, before it was implied that it was a drug there was a hint about it when Terra first appeared and her dog bit Peter's arm. German shepperds are one of the preferred dog sniffers and can detect when someone's got a drug. Peter live in the same house as Dave who is a drug addict that is why the dog attacked him when it first saw him, and even continued to smell his shoes.
Billy, their neighbor is an adult, too. He is the one guiding Peter and feeds him lies (abt Neverland, pixie dust, maybe to shield him from reality?) It is hinted thru the panels where he was seated on a rocking chair, and even referring Peter as "kid" when they are talking (page 26). He may be a former drug addict because Billy said he hates dogs, and dogs can smell drugs. I think he has been bitten before.
Terra is also an adult undercover police, befriending Peter so he can arrest Dave. Her profession was hinted on early panels and on page 30 when Terra said Peter and her met again coincidentally. She didn't brought her dog because she already had a suspicion that there are drugs in Peter's household.
On page 35, Peter's made up world (where he sees people he is fond of as kids) crumbled when Terra questioned his favorite book saying that it was a sad story. Peter associated the book with happy thoughts, first because the kids there never grew up to become an adult he despises, and second because it was the last thing his mom gave him. So when Terra questioned his beliefs, his made up world slip up and he had a glimpse of the reality where Terra is an adult.
On page 40, there was a hint that Terra is already planning to investigate Peter and Dave's house to confirm if they possess illegal drugs, with the disguise of seeing Peter's butterfly collection. When Peter mentioned to Terra the 'pixie dust', her suspicion was confirmed, and she excused herself to go to the bathroom I think to prepare for a bust and call for back up. Unfortunately Dave arrived saw Terra and see through her intentions, and because Dave was under drug influence he did not hesitate to shoot her in the head.
In conclusion, Terra, an undercover police befriended, Peter in order to arrest Dave. Billy is the old neighbor narrating in the end and listens/watches as the story unfolds.
Since most are confused about what happened, I'll try my best to explain the plot.
So Peter, who hates adults, is an adult all this time. I think the trauma from his mother's death and possibly being exposed to drugs at an early age caused his personality to dissociate from his adult self, making him think that he is still a child. I also think that when he tried to play with the kids, they gave him a look, not because he is Dave's brother, but because they find it weird that a grown up man wants to play with them. About the pixie dust, before it was implied that it was a drug there was a hint about it when Terra first appeared and her dog bit Peter's arm. German shepperds are one of the preferred dog sniffers and can detect when someone's got a drug. Peter live in the same house as Dave who is a drug addict that is why the dog attacked him when it first saw him, and even continued to smell his shoes.
Billy, their neighbor is an adult, too. He is the one guiding Peter and feeds him lies (abt Neverland, pixie dust, maybe to shield him from reality?) It is hinted thru the panels where he was seated on a rocking chair, and even referring Peter as "kid" when they are talking (page 26). He may be a former drug addict because Billy said he hates dogs, and dogs can smell drugs. I think he has been bitten before.
Terra is also an adult undercover police, befriending Peter so he can arrest Dave. Her profession was hinted on early panels and on page 30 when Terra said Peter and her met again coincidentally. She didn't brought her dog because she already had a suspicion that there are drugs in Peter's household.
On page 35, Peter's made up world (where he sees people he is fond of as kids) crumbled when Terra questioned his favorite book saying that it was a sad story. Peter associated the book with happy thoughts, first because the kids there never grew up to become an adult he despises, and second because it was the last thing his mom gave him. So when Terra questioned his beliefs, his made up world slip up and he had a glimpse of the reality where Terra is an adult.
On page 40, there was a hint that Terra is already planning to investigate Peter and Dave's house to confirm if they possess illegal drugs, with the disguise of seeing Peter's butterfly collection. When Peter mentioned to Terra the 'pixie dust', her suspicion was confirmed, and she excused herself to go to the bathroom I think to prepare for a bust and call for back up. Unfortunately Dave arrived saw Terra and see through her intentions, and because Dave was under drug influence he did not hesitate to shoot her in the head.
In conclusion, Terra, an undercover police befriended, Peter in order to arrest Dave. Billy is the old neighbor narrating in the end and listens/watches as the story unfolds.