realistically it'd be hard to do it because of the bathtubs wall, also, it looked like it was a difficult process and it would be easier done in the tub so creamsoda can move his arms freely
realistically it'd be hard to do it because of the bathtubs wall, also, it looked like it was a difficult process and it would be easier done in the tub so creamsoda can move his arms freely shoujoramune4
no i dont think it would have been that hard, you just have to go on your knees or half bend. even if it was slightly difficult itd be way better than getting peed on, but i guess that's their things and that's why they showed it
no i dont think it would have been that hard, you just have to go on your knees or half bend. even if it was slightly difficult itd be way better than getting peed on, but i guess that's their things and that's... panini
outside of the tub your posture would suck and its hard to position yourself at a good angle LMAO cause if he were to sit outside of the tub his arms would be plopped on the tub and thats really uncomfy if youre trying to carefully do something..
outside of the tub your posture would suck and its hard to position yourself at a good angle LMAO cause if he were to sit outside of the tub his arms would be plopped on the tub and thats really uncomfy if your... shoujoramune4
no but it'd genuinely still work, yes it would be hard but it would be way better than getting pissed on but like what i said before that's their thing jg
no but it'd genuinely still work, yes it would be hard but it would be way better than getting pissed on but like what i said before that's their thing jg panini
no but it'd genuinely still work, yes it would be hard but it would be way better than getting pissed on but like what i said before that's their thing jg panini
PLS HELP I SEE UR POINT NOW HAHHASHAA but they tryna get freaky
couldnt he just have stood outside the bath whilst taking it off for him- ALSO THE OTHER GUY'S DICK IS ALSO TANNED