Im tired of enjoying bl

aggravated seme July 2, 2021 4:53 pm

and then random shit like rape is added just to keep the horniness going. Like no stop glorifying this, fiction is not an excuse. And 9/10 times it’s not addressed as something evil and brushed under the rug or acted like it was a necessary struggle. I fucking hate people sometimes bc nothing you’ve possibly gone through yourself can justify romanticizing toxic shit like that.

    Kash July 2, 2021 2:24 pm

    Yes.. U r not wrong... Read the slice of life bl stories... They r good and will give u to surface the problems of societies too..

    Mpompina July 2, 2021 2:50 pm

    Start reading bls with ratings above 9...Then you probably won't encounter rapish stuff ...also try shounen-ai or try reading some sl or gl and after some time you probably want to read some bl too

    vaneella July 2, 2021 3:40 pm

    ^ what they said. Start with the most popular Shounen ais, see the related lists (scroll in a manga title page to see which lists has it) then continue. Personally I like BL with proper stories so I don't like a lot of popular BL titles, and that's okay. BL are originally written by women for women so sometimes there are unrealistic aspects in it and that's just how it is. Keep trying to look for BL that suits your palate, there are so so many good titles out there and try to focus less on genres that irritate you. Also keep in mind that here people are really unashamed being degenerates, so don't stress yourself by trying to get their moral straight.. you'll only tire yourself that way. Sorry I'm writing a whole fucking essay, and have a good day. :)

    aggravated seme July 2, 2021 4:53 pm

    I feel yall, I appreciate the sentiment. Ironically, I have read lots of bl, but maybe this year I’ve been more into the popular titles. I’m usually late to the game so I can drop stuff bc comments will give things away. But following ongoing stuff it’s like roulette lately. Imma be more selective