I'm disappointed, you fake stan

Ellen July 2, 2021 12:25 pm

She almost lost Hades boo. Stans aren't this stupid, you know. We may be a bit recluse but we're essentially noisy and psychopathic. The type that would kill for who we worship, and cancel those that dare say anything negative about our stans or about ourselves. Obviously.

    Yui July 2, 2021 7:46 pm

    Just curious, if you were in her shoes and Hades confronted u about the confession, how would you react as a stan?

    Ellen July 3, 2021 1:59 am
    Just curious, if you were in her shoes and Hades confronted u about the confession, how would you react as a stan? Yui

    First of all, I would kiss the ground he's walking on first. Because he's the object of my obsession, obviously. Second, I would kill the priest. This would solve 2 problems at once. Cancel the brainwashing and use his head as offerings to Hades. And then I would grovel at his feet and beg for a punishment for being an unfaithful stan after that whole confession shenanigans. Maybe offer him a sword to take my head, idk. Whatever he prefers. He's prolly too nice to do that though.

    And not to worry, I went through juvvy and therapies to be a better functioning member of society. This was just some side commentary/critic by me and my fellow former-stan friends. Although not all stans stan the same way, so we could be wrong too, who knows. But for the most part, FL is doing a great job of stanning, especially the first parts, because it was so relatable.