My character analysis skills are going into overdrive with this one omg, I agree with the ...

Usagi July 2, 2021 6:40 am

My character analysis skills are going into overdrive with this one omg, I agree with the people saying that something about the seme is "off" but part of me feels like he has some type of hidden trauma or just hasn't been shown genuinely none-gold-digger love and thus doesn't know how to react to it, doesn't know what it looks like, and/or might just be expecting uke to leave like the rest of them did and thus isn't getting too attached???? IDK MAN, I DON'T THINK HE'S UP TO ANYTHING SLETCHY BUT THERE'S /SOMETHING/ THERE THAT NEEDS TO BE EXPLAINED (but maybe I'm biased because he's hot af omg )

    MICH3LL3 July 2, 2021 12:19 pm

    He hasn’t had love before I think, after all the description of this manhwa did say that the seme was feeling empty or had everything but love, that could be the reason. But I agree that he must be thinking that the uke might leave him like the rest, that’s probably why he isn’t getting too attached. But I think this story is gonna go into a roller coaster soon.

    Usagi July 2, 2021 8:46 pm
    He hasn’t had love before I think, after all the description of this manhwa did say that the seme was feeling empty or had everything but love, that could be the reason. But I agree that he must be thinking t... MICH3LL3

    Exactly!! The fact that they both have such a hard time receiving good things hurts me, they're both so sweet OTL I'm both ready and not ready for the roller coaster because I wanna see the seme fall in love BUT IDK IF I CAN HANDLE THE DRAMA THAT'LL COME WITH IT