Homophobic is the adjective, and homophobia is the noun. So when he said “Do I look like a homophobia?” The English is correct. (If someone is homophobic, they’re a homophobia.)And whether or not he is ho... Something
nahh if they r homophobic, the agreed noun is a homophobe
Homophobic is the adjective, and homophobia is the noun. So when he said “Do I look like a homophobia?” The English is correct. (If someone is homophobic, they’re a homophobia.)And whether or not he is ho... Something
nahh if they r homophobic, the agreed noun is a homophobe, homophobia is the noun for the disease while a homophobe is someone who has the disease
nahh if they r homophobic, the agreed noun is a homophobe, homophobia is the noun for the disease while a homophobe is someone who has the disease blyatsuka
I don’t think it’s a disease per se rather an irrational fear. But yes, you’re right about everything else. Thank you for correcting me.
I’m lost... does he mean he’s homophobic ?