I get that people are user about the rape scenes. But the way I see it, this is a historic...

ritsu July 2, 2021 1:04 am

I get that people are user about the rape scenes. But the way I see it, this is a historical genre. This stuff really happened. Those with titles made the rules and those without had to follow them. Tbh if this didn’t have any kind of dubcon/noncon, THEN it would be a fairytale. Yaoi is the main genre, but there are subgenres too. Authors shouldn’t have to sugarcoat reality to satisfy people’s delicate sensitivities. If you can’t handle it, go read something else. Though I’d recommend no Yakuza, Omegaverse, Beastkin, or Historical. You’ll have the same problems with those and then start whining all over again.
