
Holachica July 1, 2021 11:52 pm

Yeah Yoon Seul hurt Kang Joon, but sometimes humans do that. Sometimes we hurt people we don't wish to hurt, and that's just how things may happen.

What matters is that we later own up to our actions, and apologize for them, as Yoon Seul is attempting to do. Rejection happens all the time. Rejection is a completely normal thing--and for a bystander to be disappointed in someone for not returning another's feelings isn't very appropiate.

If I hadn't known better, and took the comments at face value without reading the manhwa, I'd have thought that Yoon Seul was a asshole piece of shit character who deserves everything he gets--because that's what several of you seem to imply. However, in actuality, Yoon Seul had simply been friendly to someone he liked hanging out with, did something stupid while drunk, and rejected someone. People do stupid things while drunk. People are sometimes too friendly. People reject other people. These are normal human things.

Consider an alternate scenario: what if Yoon Seul hadn't later realized that he liked Kang Joon? Suppose that, in order to spare Kang Joon's feelings, he decided to lead Kang Joon on despite not being sure (or having realized at the time) he felt that way. Many of you are making it seem like he should've done that, but that'd just have hurt Kang Joon even more.

I feel it important to note that 1. They weren't even dating at the beginning,
and 2. It isn't easy for a man who's been straight his whole life, to come to terms with the fact that he may be gay.

Sexuality isn't a 1-2-3 type of gig. Some people accept it easily, while for others it may be a long journey. The thought of him liking another man was preposterous not because he was homophobic, but simply because it had never happened before. It's not as easy as "Oh I kissed a man I must be gay". Life isn't that simple.

To us readers, it's obvious that Yoon Seul liked Kang Joon a lot from the beginning. But that's us. We're not him. We get to see the bigger picture, while the characters in the story don't.

Yoon Seul had thought at the time, that it'd be impossible to kiss or hug Kang Joon, and that's just how it was. He thought his feelings were simply that of a friend's. You guys are making him look like an asshole when he wasn't. Maybe he did have a feeling that Kang Joon liked him, maybe he didn't--but regardless, it was never "Oh Kang Joon likes me. Let's play with his feelings!" He just did what he thought was right.

He believed he'd made a drunken mistake, and said it as such. He didn't lead the other on, and he was just being honest with what he had believed was true at the time. We often forget that thoughts and beliefs can change with circumstances. Later, he realized that yes, he did in fact want Kang Joon to himself, and actually liked the other. The moment he realized that, he dropped his pride and tried to get Kang Joon back.

The world isn't black and white, and god forbid people continue seeing it that way.

    cheesygummies_c July 2, 2021 12:47 am

    YES thank you! It really hurts to read these comments that straight up diss Yoon Seul as if humans don't make mistakes. As someone who is straight and has also been raised in an environment where being anything other than straight is the worst thing possible, if I had been in the same situation as Yoon Seul where I kissed a girl, I would probably act the same way because I believe and have believed for my entire life that I don't swing that way at all. So yea, I hope people would try to be a little more open-minded with Yoon Seul's character instead of flat out calling him an asshole.

    Holachica July 3, 2021 3:39 am
    YES thank you! It really hurts to read these comments that straight up diss Yoon Seul as if humans don't make mistakes. As someone who is straight and has also been raised in an environment where being anything... cheesygummies_c

    my thoughts exactly ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~