Well i never get into shipping , because either anime , manga or real life , none have control over his heart emotions , even for a writer who writing manga story , anime or story or even real life ... ya i know might seem that some perfect for each other , but i think this is not fair .. because after all each of us have his idea about how he/she wants their partner to be and prefer something over the other ...
From your point of view , glad i'm not into shipping : )

I enjoy the story over my ships

I ship pairs!
But I dont take seriously for mangaka-san to re-draw the pairing story just for us.Its not like the mangaka will redraws the plot for minority. Which is fine by me.
So if I see fanfiction or dj about that pairing,meh,thats good enough for me.
If the main story is good it wil always be good,be or without the shipping pair. Take Yuyu Hakusho for example. i always ship Yusuke with The fox.
But the main story its self its good. I buy the book until the end! I don't mind there are only brotherhood bond between those two. the book become my treasure until today heh
Am i the only one who kinda regrets getting into shipping? I mean, i love my otps but i used to enjoy Anime way more when i didnt ship ppl and just paid attention to the story line...Idk, maybe im alone with that one