t's such a crazy love that they feel for each other
Although, I believe that Tatsumi is closer to reality than Senzaki. He knows that everything is going to end after highschool due to all his dutties with his father
I would like to see Senzaki's reaction if all is over
Next chapter is going to be amazing I just can't wait!!!!
Ps: sorry if I wrote some word wrong, english is not my first language
Tatsumi and Senzaki are just so in love with each other that they're willing to do the craziest things for the other. I love how Senzaki truly believed he was helping Tatsumi by beating up Kouhei, like he loves Tatsumi so much he's willing to neglect his rank and go against the king.
Please don't let them be over. Their relationship was the rare type with consent from both parties.